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Advanced signal processor with integrated digital filtering.
Monitors one from I,II,III ECG channels with three lead cable.
Measurement of respiration signal over the electrodes.
Integrated pacemaker detection and lead-off detection.
Integrated QRS detection and breath detection.
ECG Input from external ECG.
USB interface.

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Advanced signal processor with integrated digital filtering.
Monitors single channel with three lead cable.
Integrated pacemaker detection and lead-off detection.
Integrated QRS detection.
ECG Input from external ECG
USB interface.

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Advanced signal processor for real time ECG R-wave trigger.
Monitor one from three ECG channels selectable by Host.
Less then 5 ms delay and jitter between real R-wave and output Pulse
R-weve trigger as TTL or 12v level pulse through BNC or Phono connector.
RS232 interface.
Medical graded power adaptor 230v or 110v (optinal).

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Advanced signal processor forreal time ECG R-wave trigger.
Monitors one ECG channel with three-lead cable.
Less then 5 ms delay and jitter between real R-wave and output Pulse.
R-weve trigger as TTL or 12v level pulse through BNC or Phono connector.
RS232 interface.
Medical graded power adaptor 230v or 110v (optinal).

Marlin-R Board
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OEM board monitors one ECG channel with three-lead cable.
Measurement of respiration signal over the electrodes.
ECG input from external ECG.
Integrated lead-off detection.

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Single channel ECG amplifier (x1000).
Provides analog out signal.
Medical graded power adapter 230V or 110V (optional).

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Analog to digital converter.
Provides digital data through USB.